Surgery Instructions
- Our Surgery schedule order is done in the afternoon the day before your surgery. You will be contacted anytime from noon to late afternoon regarding the time of your surgery. Be sure that we have working numbers to reach you. You will need to admit to the hospital approximately 2 hours prior to your surgery.
- You may reach North Central Surgery Center at the following:
North Central Surgery Center
Preadmissions Department
214-365-8142 - The North Central Surgical Center is located on the first floor of the Carrell Clinic Center. If you need to stay overnight, the hospital is located on the second floor of tower II. They will have chairs in which a family member may sleep overnight if necessary. Please discuss this with the hospital if you know you will be staying overnight.
- It is recommended you bathe the night before and morning of surgery with antibacterial soap or Hibiclens soap, which can be purchased from most pharmacies. Please wear loose clothing to the hospital to accommodate any bandages or casts that may be applied to your surgery.
- Constipation is a common problem with narcotic use and from being sedentary. Keep on hand apples, pears, and grapes that will help in keeping the bowels moving. Sprouts carries a Carlson brand liquid magnesium capsule that many patients are finding helpful in preventing constipation. Magnesium is a natural stimulant of the colon. You may also use over the counter medications such as Colace, Senakot-S, and Ducolax. Also be sure you have food on your stomach before you take any pain medication. IF you are nauseated, take any anti-nausea medication 30 minutes prior to taking the pain medication.
- If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at our direct number 214-397-1507 or the main clinic number at 214-220-2468
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