Carrell Clinic Logo
(214) 397-1507
(214) 397-1577

Pre-Surgery Clearance Instructions


  1. If you have diabetes, history of heart problems, or hypertension, it may be necessary to see your primary care physician for a current EKG and labs to clear you for surgery. If so, please ask your PCP office to fax all tests and results along with note stating you are medically cleared for surgery to our office at 214-397-1577.
  2. ALL non-steroidal medications such as Advil, Relafen, Aspirin, Fish Oil, etc. and vitamin supplements must be stopped 7 days prior to your surgery. The only exception to this rule is Celebrex and baby aspirin which needs to be stopped the day before your surgery. If you are taking any weight loss products including those that contain Phentermine, stop those 2 weeks prior to your surgery.
  3. The morning of your surgery you may take any blood pressure or heart medications with a small sip of water.
  4. If you are on any immunosuppressant medications then we ask that you speak with your rheumatologist in regards to when to both stop and resume taking these medications.
  5.  The anesthesiologist will usually call you the night before your surgery to discuss any questions that you may have regarding anesthesia. This is not guaranteed, so if you do have medication questions, please let us know so we may present them to the anesthesia office.
  6. DO NOT eat or drink anything after midnight the day prior to your surgery.  This includes water, gum, and hard candies. YOUR SURGERY WILL BE CANCELLED IF YOU FORGET TO FOLLOW THIS INSTRUCTION.
  7. Please take a list of both your prescriptions and over-the counter medications with you to the hospital, including the strengths and dosages.
  8. If you already have equipment (i.e. crutches, walker, boot, etc) please bring them with you to the hospital. If you do not, then equipment needs to be picked up at the surgical supply store located in Tower One, Suite 420. If you wish to rent a knee walker then the surgical supply store can assist you with this. You may also rent these from CVI at 214-363-2289. It is extremely important to note that when you purchase items from the surgical supply store, these items are NON-REFUNDABLE/NON-EXCHANGEABLE once they are purchased.
  9. Please make arrangements to have an adult drive you home after surgery. You will not be released from the hospital to drive yourself home. THIS INCLUDES LOCAL BLOCK ANESTHESIA.
  10. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at our direct number 214-397-1507 or the main Carrell Clinic number at 214-220-2468.

pdfPre-Surgery Clearance Instructions

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