McKayla Paulson Testimonials
Lateral Ankle Ligament Reconstruction: Internal Brace Augmentation
Case Study: McKayla P, NCAA Division I athlete
Surgeon: Eugene Curry, M.D., The Carrell clinic, Dallas, Texas

- NCAA Division I student athlete
- Defender, Sr. Captain women’s soccer team
- Started and played in 20 games/1723 minutes in 2014

Chronic ankle instability after 2014 injury, resulting in 7 missed games
Unable to return to previous level of play
- Played only 6 games / 540 minutes in 2015
- In 2016, played 1726 minutes with pain and instability
Exam of the right ankle shows 2+ instability
Lateral ankle ligament reconstruction (Brostrom with Internal Brace augmentation) is performed on December 2, 2016
- Walking boot applied intraoperatively
- May be removed for dorsiflexion/plantarflexion range of motion
- Immediate weight bearing as tolerated
- Sutures are removed at 2 weeks postop
- Transition to a lace-up brace
- Begin physical therapy
Physical therapy protocol
- Weeks 1-2 :
- WBAT, dorsiflexion / plantarflexion exercises, hip, knee ROM, core strength
- Weeks 3-6:
- Lace-up brace, continue to elevate as needed for swelling
- Stationary bike, begin inversion/eversion, continue to work on hip, knee, core exercises
- Weeks 7-10:
- Continue to use ankle brace in a regular shoe
- Stationary bike, ROM as tolerated with inversion/eversion/DF/PF
- Continue with core, hip and knee strengthening exercises
- Weeks 11-12 :
- Regular shoe, brace, continue strengthening exercises, work on proprioception, gait training, muscle stimulation as needed
- Weeks 13-16:
- Brace, regular shoe
- Continue with proprioception exercises, begin lunges, squats, toe raises
- Begin jumping, running as tolerated
- Week 17 and beyond:
- Activity-specific training
- Return to full play
- Continue to wear brace as needed
4 months after surgery she returned to play starting against Houston Dash professional women's soccer team on April 7, 2017 (unfortunately, the Aggies ran out of time…)
McKayla played in all 5 Spring season games
At 5 months post-op her ankle feels stable and she is pain-free
In patient’s own words:
- "Before the surgery was done, I could not play without heavy taping, which restricted my speed, agility, being able to kick the ball in any direction and move quickly"
- "Another surgeon’s plan did not have Internal Brace as an option, involved a period of initial casting instead of bracing and possibly a bigger incision or two incisions"
- " After returning to training, I feel like I have a new ankle"
- "I feel confident to play on it"
- "Speed and strength are good"
- "I am able to accomplish any movements without tape, have full speed and full mobility"
The Internal Brace Difference
- Immediate weightbearing
- Early mobilization (days vs weeks)
- Early rehabilitation
- Less muscle atrophy
- Earlier return to full activity
- Improved stability
- Lower recurrence/reoperation rate
Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Subspecialist Consultant for:
SMU Mustangs
Texas Tech Raiders
TCU Horned Frogs
The Dallas Cowboys Football Club
The Dallas Mavericks Basketball Club
The United Football League